2nd December - Pause



Well guys, here we are, we've made it! We are now 2 days into the final month of 2020. In just 29 days it will be a brand new year, 2021 will begin and we will have a whole new 365-day story to write.


Today's Wednesday Wisdom is a little different to our previous weeks. Today we want to invite you to take some time to stop, yes stop what you are doing, pause, put your phone turn, turn off the music and just spend a few moments with God.


As I was preparing to write this short introduction I came across this quote,


“In the rush and noise of life, as you have intervals, step home within yourselves and be still. Wait upon God, and feel His good presence; this will carry you evenly through your day’s business.”


The Christmas season is a time when we look forward to gathering with friend and family, exchanging gifts and eating ridiculous amounts of food., but most importantly it is the time when we remember the birth of Jesus all those years ago. God’s ultimate gift to us.


Today I would encourage you to pause, take some time to reflect on the positive points and the challenging points from the past year. Pray and talk to God about them. Thank him for the good times and that you have survived (or are surviving) the challenges.


Why not consider how you can use this Christmas season to reflect on your life with God? Could you take up a Bible plan between now and Christmas day? Could you commit to doing a daily act of random kindness for someone? Is there someone in your life that you could bless and encourage this Christmas season?


Whatever it is take some time today to pause, reflect and renew your mind as we head into the final month of 2020.


Remember these words from Psalm 46, “Be still and now that I am God”.


How will you get to know him this Christmas season?


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