25th November 2020 - Who would have thought?
Who would have thought? When celebrating the end of 2019 none of u realised that we were counting down the days until the world would be crippled by a global health crisis. Yet, while we celebrated many great minds were already focused on a novel pathogen that presented a significant potential for harm globally. Immediately the scientific community jumped to action to determine what the world was about to face. Despite inevitable political intrigue, scientist had rapidly discovered the genetic code of this novel virus and distributed it publicly for global researchers to get a head start to which they took full advantage off. Now as of writing this, various vaccines are now in phase 3 trials in less than a year and numerous clinical trials are under way. So a question I find intriguing, as we cautiously pause mid-way to reflect is; how can so many people be surprised that something so small, so biologically “narrow minded” has caused so much devastation and yet the scientific community...